A United front for Africans
A United Front; Key to Liberating the Black People
History has shown time and time again that unity is important in the minority's struggle for liberation in any society. For example, America's victory in its struggle for independence from British colonial rule was possible only because of the united voice of all Americans.
Black people being the largest racial minority, make up just 12.7% of America's total population. A very low percentage you may say, when compared to about 76.9% white folks present in America. It is clear therefore that the black race will be best served to be united in their quest for liberation.
Having One Voice:
There is a need for black people to speak with one voice. Whether you are a Black or African American, Christian or Muslim, communist or capitalist, all black persons must leave their differences aside and be loyal to the cause of liberation. They should see themselves as brothers from the same ancestral lineage. This is because dividing, among opposing factions will only serve to create more hostilities for the already oppressed and marginalized black populace. A united voice speaking against racism, discrimination and oppression will definitely be heard.
Political Participation
It is not possible to change the status quo, by being on the sidelines. Black people should get into politics, as this will help them in their quest for liberation. It will also help them in bonding and forging strong brotherhoods through political movements. Qualified black men and women should contest for political posts because this is the only way, they can effect a change. A strong political culture should be imbibed at all levels to curb political apathy. Capable black candidates should be shown support by massive campaigns and voting.
Imbibing the Black Culture
Black culture should be imbibed, as people without a common heritage cannot feel united. Black kids and youths should be taught black History, and be made to see fellow black men as their brothers. The ideas and struggles of strong black leaders like Martin Luther King J, George Berkeley and Marcus Garvey should also be handed down through generations, so as to create that sense of belonging to a common cause, in the coming generation.
Supporting Oppressed Black People:
Every time there is a case of racist oppression against a black person, fellow black people should stand up against it, as one people. Too many times, we have had innocent black men killed, or jailed unjustly. Showing public support by speaking out against it and holding mass peaceful protests will help to effect change.
Altogether, all that is needed is for every black American to strive to support a fellow black American in all spheres. Help a black brother out financially, support black arts; stand up for the rights of the black race and a united front will be achieved. A hand of support should also be stretched out to black people in Diaspora, as we are members of one black community. This way, black people can be what they set out to be, we can wear our culture with pride without feeling like we need to answer to people.